My LearnersMy students are from Title 1 school. Many of these children are socioeconomically disadvantaged and second language learners. They have a wide range in academic abilities, some as low as 2nd grade. Their is still a gap technology skills, but seems to be getting smaller with basic operations and programs. Abilities range from students who can program all the way to those that need to learn to copy and paste.All students have a device and access to the school's wifi during all non-school hours.
Design ProcessDuring the first semester, My Initial driving question was "What is the impact concept maps have on student clarity for the learning objectives and achievement?"
I studied this for a semester, and considering the data I gathered from the students, made the decision to modify my question to better meet the needs of the students in my classroom. my secondary driving question became: "How can digital platforms help students gain clarity on the learning objectives, success criteria, and provide a way to monitor their learning progress in middle school science?" Digital Tools used for Student Clarity Video |

I wanted my logo to represent Digital tools will lead to Student clarity. The compass represents having a clear direction of where they need to go in their learning. I wanted the text to resemble an equal sign symbolizing digital tools equal clarity. The different text I am hoping draws the eye so it could read up and down also. I chose the color green because that is often used in education and was easy on my eye.

Link to Initial Analysis Prototype