Rubrics and Assessments To measure the quantity of student discourse, I collected quantitative data through audio recordings. This allowed me to quantify the amount of time students spent engaging in discussions, comparing pre-data to post-data to gauge improvements. See figure 1 to compare pre vs. post data for the amount of student talk. To assess the quality of student discussions, I designed a comprehensive rubric that focused on several key components. Specifically, I honed in on the content of their discussions, ensuring they remained on-topic and aligned with the subject matter. Additionally, I tracked and evaluated whether students effectively communicated in the target language. Lastly, I carefully examined their use of academic vocabulary and adherence to conversational norms and etiquette. See figure 2 to compare the pre vs. post data for the quality of student talk.The rubric I created drew upon multiple resources and standards, which I've included below for your reference. Feel free to check them out!
Rubric was drawn from multiple resources: