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Book Talk
Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator's Guide to Collaborative InquiryWhat do facilitators need to do to promote collaborative inquiry? In Data-Driven Dialogue Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman give step-by-step directions and much needed resources. Tools like intentional use of language promote deeper thinking and learning. For example, if you ask a teacher, why did you teach your vocabulary this way?-- the use of why implies judgement you may not intend. If you ask instead, what were some elements you considered as you planned this lesson?--you are inviting thinking.
A Whole New MindIn his book A Whole New Mind Daniel Pink describes how we are now making a shift to a Conceptual Age. He uses the two sides of the human brain as a metaphor for understanding how the very skills that were undervalued in the Information Age will be critical to survive and find a place in a society that is marked by rising affluence, job outsourcing, and computer technology.
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