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21st Century Workforce Readiness TPACK ISTE Common Core UDL
Overview of Standards Addressed
Students are the heart of the teaching profession. The standards addressed in Transformative Teacher Leadership represent touchstones that foster a community of 21st century learners, educators and students together. To prepare students for College and Career as described in the Common Core State Standards, teachers will themselves need to embrace new habits of mind. Too often, teachers have worked in isolation, and isolation is the enemy of change. Drawing on the Teacher Leader Model Standards, Transformative Teacher Leadership empowers and engages teachers in developing and honing facilitation skills to foster collaborative cultures within our schools
Ripples in a Pond... The Diffusion of InnovationTo be a great leader, you don't have to be the best at everything. It is more important to be willing to put yourself out there and take risks. As facilitators, teacher leaders encourage others both through their own example and by intentionally valuing the skills and competencies of all group members. In this way innovation spreads