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The learners for my action research paper were 2nd graders. The learners included 24 second grade students of seven and eight-year-olds in the beginning of the study and 25 second graders at the end of the study. The classroom instruction was all virtual on Zoom. The A.M. class was between 8:10-10:30 and the P.M. class was between 12:30-2:50. The classroom of eight English language learners: one Vietnamese, one Punjabi, one Tagalog, and five Spanish Speakers. The Elementary school was a Title 1 school. The Elementary school had an enrollment of six hundred and eighty-one students. The student population was 39.5% socioeconomically disadvantaged with 19.8% English Language Learners- 67.41% Spanish, 10.37% Filipino, 9.63%Vietnames, 4.44% Punjabi, 2.22% Arabic, 2.22% Cantonese, 1.48% Hindi.