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Watch the video on the introduction to TPACK to understand the different aspects of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
Content Knowledge (CK) – This describes teachers’ own knowledge of the subject matter. CK may include knowledge of concepts, theories, evidence, and organizational frameworks within a particular subject matter; it may also include the field’s best practices and established approaches to communicating this information to students.
Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) – This describes teachers’ knowledge of the practices, processes, and methods regarding teaching and learning. PK encompasses the purposes, values, and aims of education, and may apply to more specific areas including the understanding of student learning styles, classroom management skills, lesson planning, and assessments. Technological Knowledge (TK) – This describes teachers’ knowledge of, and ability to use, various technologies, technological tools, and associated resources. TK concerns understanding edtech, considering its possibilities for a specific subject area or classroom, learning to recognize when it will assist or impede learning, and continually learning and adapting to new technology offerings. For more information go to: Kurt, S. "TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework," in Educational Technology, May 12, 2018. Retrieved from |