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What inspired this project? In the past few years, many teachers at our site have focused an increased amount of time on providing direct and targeted reading instruction through small reading intervention groups. Over the years the teachers have continued to make the groups smaller and more manageable, to the point where the intervention teachers now have only six students in each intensive reading group, on average. The teachers have utilized various intervention curriculum such as Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight words (SIPPS), as well as, the Reading Triumphs from Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, among other programs. The end goal is to improve students’ reading scores. At our school sight more classroom teachers from different grade levels are being asked to utilize a fairly new Guided Reading Curriculum during their intervention time. The intervention curriculum is A Flying Start to Literacy by Okapi Educational Publishing. I am currently a Reading Intervention Teacher; therefore, the information above is what lead me to inquire about the effects of guided reading on reading comprehension and reading accuracy. Yet, the last few months of the school year, I was asked to step in as Assistant Principal at my school site. This unexpected change made me shift gears, a bit. Even though I was still interested in Guided Reading, I wanted to focus on the effective implementation of a new Guided Reading curriculum.
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