21st Century Learning and Workforce ReadinessThere is a wide assortment of the Cs. Some focus on 4 which are typically: creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking. Others expand from the 4Cs up to 6 by adding character and citizenship. No matter how many Cs you want decide to promote, the overall hope remains the same. Educators, Families and Future Employers all want our current students to be ready for jobs that don't even exist yet. If you reflect on the 21st Century Skills further, it's less about jobs or workforce readiness but more about supporting a generation to become productive members of our communities. As a society, we value learning, literacy and life skills. For more information on 21st century skills, take a look at the detailed explanation given on the website for Applied Educational Systems.
NVUSD's Mission Statement: Transforming lives by instilling and inspiring lifelong learning in every student. |