Thank you to so many people and groups that have helped me along in this process.
Touro University, and its dedicated and knowledgeable teachers. Thank you for having faith in me, guiding me in the right direction, and answering all of my questions along the journey. My Cohort, you are all such talented teachers. I've enjoyed listening to your ideas, and watching us all grow. Good luck in your futures; your students will all be very lucky. Rose Girguis, I am glad we did this together. Thank you for always being there when I needed to figure something out, or ramble on about what I was trying to put together. You have been a great colleague and friend to have stand by me to keep me going. You have come so far, and I love seeing you discover new things and boost your passions. You are truly a wonderful and gifted individual! To my loving boyfriend, Patrick, I could not have done this without you. You have been my rock throughout this whole program. I so appreciate all the nights you stayed up with me while worked on my research, every time you read my writing to make sure it sounded good, the many times you sat with me in the library while I got what I needed and put it all together. Mostly, thank you for believing in me, and knowing I could do it, even when I was unsure. Last, but definitely not least, thank you to my Mom, my real hero. You showed me through example that it is possible to go after higher education while working and doing life. Because of your achievements, I got my Masters during my first year teaching, during my first year of BTSA, while moving to a new place, and actively taking part in so many projects both inside and outside of education. Thanks Mom, you're the best. |

None of this would have been possible without the tremendous support from Napa Learns. I am thankful to work in a District that cares about their teachers. Napa Learns not only wants us to be great teachers, but will help us to get there. Thank you Napa Learns!
What's next?
I have learned so much during my time in this program. I got so many new ideas and tools to use in my classroom. With my schedule changing a little bit for next year, I will be able to implement more of the resources into my classes to help my students. I am hopeful for where my Read 180 classes will be going. With my research on how to expand on the activities that already exist in the Read 180 program, and proven results, I am ready to take on another year, and utilize my new strategies at the start. I am excited to see my students learn and grow.
If you are interested in anything I have done, or written here, please contact me via the "About the Author" page!
If you are interested in anything I have done, or written here, please contact me via the "About the Author" page!