When challenged with helping students become independent learners, a group of teachers came together to develop and implement strategies for promoting agency and encouraging students to use their voice and make choices for themselves. Students were given opportunities to share their thinking, set goals based on feedback, and represent their learning in a variety of ways. Students increased their ability to recognize when they were exercising agency and how it helps them as a learner.
To learn more about how our team progressed through this journey to promote agency at our school, take a look at the Lessons link for the steps in our collaborative process. The How-Tos link has some helpful tools for planning professional learning and ways to collaborate for adult learning. The References link has books, articles, and other websites and tools that were helpful in our process of professional growth. The Assessment link has some rubrics and other tools to encourage teachers to examine their practice for moves and strategies that promote agency. |
“Success lies in the critical nature of collaboration and the strength of believing that together,
administrators, faculty, and students can accomplish great things.” John Hattie
The work of Zaretta Hammond, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, was critical to our work. Her research guided us to look at our practice through the lens of educational equity and we asked ourselves whether we were giving all students the same opportunities to become agentive and independent learners. Here is a video review of her book: |
The CA Dept. of Education has published Standards for Professional Learning that reflect the components successful adult learning.
The professional learning that supports the work of teachers in promoting agency aligns with many of the elements of the standards. Click here to watch a video that explains the standards in more detail
The professional learning that supports the work of teachers in promoting agency aligns with many of the elements of the standards. Click here to watch a video that explains the standards in more detail
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