Digital Inquiry Megan Burton Home Learn More Standards Inspiration About the Author |
Guiding Students' ResearchI have created "Research Guides" and other instructional materials to help my students through their own inquiries. Over the years, these materials have evolved - mostly in guidance from the teacher becoming more simplified so that students can make the materials work for them (instead of "filling in the blanks"). Below are the materials that I currently use and would recommend for other teachers' implementation when guiding students' inquiry.
Note: Due to the nature of Project-Based Learning and Guided Student Inquiry, it's very difficult to state the time needed for each lesson. Therefore, I've organized my lesson materials by what students do before, during and after their own research.
Students also need to reflect on their research process, in a timely and quick way. I frequently use "exit tickets" either on paper or through Google Forms to have my students quickly and meaningfully reflect. Here is an example of one such exit ticket and student answers:
Organization of Digital/Media Literacy ResourcesWhen searching for lessons and pathways to teach students digital literacy, there are multitudes of resources available. However, just like in students' research, there is information overload for teachers as well.
To organize and make sense of the plethora of resources offered by Common Sense Media, Google, Stanford History Education Group, PBS Learning Media and more, I used Mindomo to create this Digital Literacy Mindmap - with links to all of the lessons and resources. I hope you find it useful in your lesson planning. Recommended Digital Literacy LessonsBe Internet Awesome by Google - corresponds with ISTE Standard 2: Digital Citizen
More lessons, from Google and Common Sense Media, for teaching ISTE Standard 2: Digital Citizen can be accessed through these parts of my Digital Literacy Mindmap:
Civic Online Reasoning (COR) by Stanford History Education Group (SHEG)
corresponds with ISTE Standard 3: Knowledge Constructor
More lessons for teaching ISTE Standard 3: Knowledge Constructor (from Civic Online Reasoning [COR], Crash Course Videos, PBS Learning Media/KQED, and EasyBib) can be accessed through these parts of my Digital Literacy Mindmap: