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Using Symbaloo for CurationI have been using Symbaloo to keep track of useful online tools, helpful sites, and inspirational resources. To the right is an embedded Symbaloo for all the resources I have begun using over the course of this project.
Digital Tools for WritingThese may come and go, but Symbaloo provides a place to keep them all linked and sorted. Scroll through the links to see which tools I've been using with my students.
Curriculum for 21st Century LearnersIt's past time to say goodbye to the pre-packaged curriculum with more ancillaries than I could ever keep track of. Fortunately, Symbaloo (or other curation apps) helps me to keep track of great websites for planning, creating, and managing curriculum.
StandardsIn addition to the Common Core Standards, 21st century teachers must be mindful of various technology integration, universal access, and 21st century standards for learning as well. Again, keeping track of all of these is made much easier with Symbaloo or other curation apps.
Inspiration, Theory, & ScienceThere are so many websites that can provide in-depth discussion of educational theories, and also provide inspiration for improving as an educator. Seeing what others are doing or have done can often inspire me to further explore and innovate!
Videos That Have Inspired Me to Innovate