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What is TPACK?TPACK, or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, is a model that helps teachers consider where their strengths and weaknesses lie in their knowledge of content, pedagogy, and technology and how these areas work together for innovative teaching and learning. ( )
Where does my project fit into TPACK?
In the case of TPACK, by nature my classroom, a digital media environment already had these elements. This by no means meant that I was already good at it or knew what I was doing. Teaching digital media would not be the same if I was not using (technology) to teach it. How I teach my class (pedagogy) is totally dependent on the tools and technology itself. My experience in the video game industry qualifies me to actually teach the (content). All the elements of TPACK work together and are intertwined in my class.
So in the case of my project, it was more a matter of my pedagogical growth and understanding of how do I enhance my content knowledge and technical knowledge. The implementation of feedback into culture of my classroom relies heavily on the way I teach it in my class, in how it relates to the digital tools we are learning and improving student work.
So in the case of my project, it was more a matter of my pedagogical growth and understanding of how do I enhance my content knowledge and technical knowledge. The implementation of feedback into culture of my classroom relies heavily on the way I teach it in my class, in how it relates to the digital tools we are learning and improving student work.