What Effect will a Digital Mathematics Classroom have on Student Engagement?By and large, special needs students are behind their counterparts across core subjects. An innovative learning tool (Google Classroom) capable of engaging unmotivated special needs students to enhance learning in math. This online platform can transform your teaching pedagogy with the addition of 21st century tools and create, a positive learning environment.
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Student Engagement using TechnologyI noticed that the students in class were unmotivated and did not want to pay attention during math class. Many of my special needs students were disinterested, exhibiting disruptive behaviors and taking learning instruction time from others. I addressed the issue with the students, then presented an alternative way of learning using Google Classroom. This, online learning platform, can be a game changer in any classroom. Google Classroom was created to help teachers focus more on teaching with organized classes, easy access to materials, and improve communication with students. After a two-week period students were observed more engaged and less apprehensive about math work. The behaviors decreased and the overall class experience for the students and I reached new heights.