Do Digital Tools Have a Place in Early Literacy?
Technology integration in the learning process tends to engage students more than the traditional paper and pencil (Pearson, 2010). Challenged by students lack of enthusiasm for reading logs, this action research project explored how blogging instead of paper and pencil would effect student engagement in reading. Students were expected to respond to a classmate's blog as well as write their own. Not surprisingly, engagement and communication between students increased from that of the original paper logs.
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How Do You Begin to Use Digital Tools in the Primary Classroom?
It is necessary to instill 21st century learning skills into the minds of students in order to create 21st century citizens. Napa Valley Unified School Districts goals are simple: First, make students college and career ready. Second, provide equitable access in order to close the achievement gap. And, lastly, to instill 21st century skills in students. If teachers continue to expect homework participation or all classwork with paper and pencil and no communication or collaboration, they are not living up to the districts goals. As professional educators it is time to take that next step towards meeting our district goals.
The video above is an overview of how digital tools can be implemented to help literacy in the primary classroom.
Click above to see the 9 elements of Digital Citizenship on