Professional Next Steps...
I plan to continue working closely with our administration and technology teacher to bring the technology standards, the nine components of digital citizenship, and tech tools to the teachers at my site. I am already in the planning stages of the Professional Learning which I will lead with our technology teacher in February. I hope to be able to support teachers and encourage them to take a risk and try using a new web 2.0 tool to engage their students and ensure that they are learning the 21st Century skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.
I would like to thank Napa Learns for their generosity and confidence in me to be successful on this innovative journey to receiving my Masters of Education. Without the benevolence of Napa Learns it would not have been possible for me to take this journey at this time. I sincerely thank them and the professors at Touro University for the opportunity and for having awakened a 25 year veteran teacher. I very much enjoyed my experience and am excited to share my new knowledge.
Also, a huge shout out to Cohort 9! Thank you for your support, honesty, and friendship. I feel lucky to have shared this experience with all of you. May our life long learning continue...
Personal Next Steps...
My personal next steps are going to be to relax and rest on a beach somewhere! Then, continue learning and teaching on my innovative journey...
And, last but not least, a huge thank you to my husband and kids for their support during this process. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement!