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Effective teaching practices to reduce math anxiety and increase student performance in mathematicsThis page highlights the initial research and framework for the driving question of my capstone project. My research paper speaks directly to the consequences of math anxiety, and math avoidance. More specifically, how those aspects affect a students cognitive load.
Action research paperMath anxiety, which affects a considerable proportion of society, prevents achievement in mathematics, warranting serious consideration and intervention (Ashcraft, 2009). Math anxiety has been shown to affect populations all over the world and is present in diverse populations spanning various levels of education (Dowker, Sarkar & Looi, 2016). Despite our understanding that investment in math and science fields is necessary for the further technological development of our modern society, American schools, in particular, do a poor job teaching both subjects (Ashcraft & Krause, 2007). Over time, math anxiety causes students to avoid math related experiences preventing individuals from developing positive math mindsets and building confidence in performing math (Ashcraft , 2002). Also troubling is that math anxiety prevents students from choosing careers related to math and from pursuing STEM fields in college (Hembree, 1990).
Read more of my research paper here Summary of research and findings from action research paper Research and findings posterLiterature review |