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Sample Lessons
The sample lessons below are units or individual lessons designed to engage and motivate students through the use of collaboration, critical thinking and technology. Lessons will be added as they are tested and proven effective.
Middle School Life Science
Inquiry Lab: Staying Healthy
As flu season drew near, students started to ask me what they could do to stay healthy. To engage and motivate, this inquiry lab was designed to tap into their natural curiosity and connection to the topic. Students cooperated in teams of 3 and 4 by choosing a question that could be answered through an experiment. They designed and conducted their experiments and then used Google Docs to collaborate on the final lab report. Engagement was extremely high for this lab. Click below for the full lesson plan.
Middle School Physical Science
Objects in Motion
When studying forces and Newton's Laws of motion, students started asking a lot of questions about speed and how to make things faster. This lesson was developed to take advantage of their curiosity, allow them to make choices based on their connections to real experiences and to work collaboratively. They chose objects that move and tested levels of friction to see how the objects sped up or slowed down. Then they created posters or multi media presentations to present their results to the class. Click below for detailed lesson plan.
Lesson Plan Template

Click here for a simple template for this lesson plan in word document format.
Click here to open the lesson plan template in Google Doc format.
Click here to open the lesson plan template in Google Doc format.