TSRs and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession
My research on teacher-student relationships (TSRs) best aligns with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) created by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The CSTPs were developed around the belief that effective teaching and learning is based on the following teacher competencies:
Ethical concerns for children and society
Extensive subject knowledge or competence
Thoughtfully selected pedagogical practices
A depth of knowledge about students*
Developing and fostering successful teacher-student connections aligns best with the underlined fourth CSTP competency of understanding and knowing our students. Building authentic TSRs is essential in understanding our students’ strengths, areas of growth, learning needs, and interests to make the California Common Core Content Standards accessible to all learners and relevant and applicable to their future success. To prepare our students for colleges and careers in the 21st Century, we must instill in them the belief that they can achieve and effectively create, collaborate, communicate, and think critically. Truly knowing our students can only be achieved by school leaders prioritizing TSR building in tandem with new content and pedagogy professional development and training. As you explore the CSTPs, the 21st Century Framework, and TPACK, web pages, you will gain a greater understanding for the emphasis that needs to be placed on building TSRs and empowering teachers with the skills to connect with their students successfully.