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Technology in the classroom...
ResearchDespite earning a teaching credential through an accredited program, many elementary school teachers who teach all subjects will often feel that they are most confident teaching only one or two content areas. Thus, many elementary teachers may be required to teach subjects in which they are not subject-matter proficient. One study stated, “Primary teachers have very much less confidence in their knowledge and skills in science, information technology and technology than they have in the traditional core subjects of English and mathematics” (Harlen, pg. 34). It is important that teachers possess subject-matter proficiency in order to create a parallel sense of confidence with learning the subject matter by their students. The purpose of this study was to discover ways in which a teacher, not classically trained in science, can use technology to support the content area and better engage and support student learning. Click here to learn more...
Design ProcessAnalyzing the needs of the learner from the sociological, instructional, technnological and educational needs of the learners. Prototyping and feedback loops.
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Support and Next StepsInclude info about NapaLearns and your plans for the future. Write several sentences and link to a page with more...