Statement of the Problem...
Background and Need, Rationale, etc.
Whether or not a teacher uses technology appropriately with their students is a broad and contemporary topic for many researchers and applies to all general education teachers across all content areas. At the elementary school in which this study took place, technology and project-based learning (PBL) and 21st century learning skills rose to a new level of emphasis for student learning when the district became part of the New Tech Network in 2014. During the 2014-15 school year, a local non-profit paid for professional development days for the teachers as they began to develop their New Tech teaching pedagogy. The elementary school embraced PBL as early as 2008, yet not wall-to-wall where PBL was integrated in most of the classrooms. In 2014, the author became the grades 7-8 teacher simultaneously with the school’s transition to being a New Tech school. Along with this transition, interdisciplinary technology-based projects became an integral part of the learning model in every classroom.
Literature Review
The purpose of this project was to find ways to increase student engagement in science using technology and to show examples of ways to use technology to support a content area that a general education teacher is not classically trained in. This literature review will address the areas related to student engagement, use of specific technology in the science classroom, and other studies on the general use of technology in the classroom. The first section addresses research related to a general focus of technology and its effects on the middle school classroom. The second section will focus on research about very specific technology that has been proven to create positive results in a science classroom. Finally, the third section will review studies on technology and its effect on student engagement in the classroom.
Technology in the Middle School Classroom
In 2000, James evaluated and analyzed the implementation of science, math, and technology in the middle school classroom. Project. This study, supported by the GTECH foundation, was conducted to not only to analyze the project itself but also to see its effect on the schools involved. Over a two year period, local schools were taught the strategies and guidelines set out by the GTECH Project in order to be able to integrate science, math, and technology in their middle school classrooms. Teams of teachers and administrators were required to collaborate on a regular basis, the focus was on the local school objects (not curriculum), teachers created active learning environments that integrated technology, teachers were also asked to use locally developed and locally relevant project based learning units, and teachers were expected to attend workshops and a 2-3 week institute during the summer. The GTECH staff came to the school and classrooms for follow-ups and to check in with teachers and administrators.
The results of the study showed that after a year, many teachers hadn’t truly implemented the program into their classrooms and they were apprehensive on how to do so correctly. Year two showed a large increase in the number of teachers applying the GTECH procedures into their classrooms and integrating technology into their PBL units. As the teachers implemented the strategies into their classroom, their concern level went down. Interestingly, site visits showed that it was usually only the science teacher at each school that was truly implementing the entire GTECH strategy in their classroom.
Based on these findings, the GTECH Foundation advocated that it is very valuable to have teachers and students involved in the creation of curriculum. They also said that the use of multimedia authoring and mind mapping tools were very effective at this grade level. Results showed that this not only empowered the students but also helped the teachers take a more active part in designing the experience.
Tillman (2012) analyzed three articles to create a dissertation that studied digital fabrication as an instructional technology in middle and elementary school. He analyzed three other studies in which digital fabrication was used as an instructional technology and combined this information to create a dissertation on this strategy’s effect in math and science in elementary and middle school classrooms. The first paper analyzed digital fabrication being used at a summer camp. The second analyzed its use in pre-service teachers’ instruction. The third analyzed its use in a series of NASA-themed lessons. The main result from the summer camp model was that some students who scored poorly on a paper test later demonstrated their skills very well during the digital fabrication activities. In the case of teacher preparation, , the results showed that pre-service teachers showed a significant gain in science teaching efficacy beliefs. In the final paper, the Nasa-themed lessons resulted in a significant gain in questions answered correctly from pretest to posttest after the teacher used digital fabrication as an instructional method during the unit.
Popejoy (2007) found similar results in a case study conducted in a 4th and 5th grade classroom that documented the effect of using technology via eight desktop computers in a science classroom. To eliminate the Hawthorne effect, Popejoy integrated herself into the classroom to better be a part of the environment and community. As significant modifications to the curriculum were made, positive change in the classroom environment was observed and students demonstrated openness to sharing their ideas. Learning emerged in a rich, diverse way.
The use of specific technology applications and programs in the classroom.
Pena (2011) investigated the use of podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts in two Texas schools and how this correlated with the students’ scores on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Scores were taken and compared from two Texas schools. One school was using podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts as a regular part of their science curriculum while the other school did not use them at all. These podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts were being used at the student created level. Analysis of the test score data showed that there was a strong correlation between higher testing scores and the use of the podcasts, vodcasts, and screencasts in the science classroom. This could be because the students were actively engaged in their learning as each podcasts, vodcast, and screencasts was made at the student level, allowing for creativity and autonomy.
Lazaros (2012) implemented a free online source called Science Kids into a classroom to study the change in engagement and science scores in the students. There are many useful and free sources that teachers can use to help engage, excited, and support their students in science. Science Kids is just one of the many sources out there for teachers. Science Kids is specifically designed for elementary and middle school kids and has many different resources on it: lessons, videos, quizzes, virtual experiments, projects, images, and facts. These resources can be used as a unit in themselves or used to supplement a classroom’s science curriculum.
This study was meant to collect data on students’ familiarity and experiences with computer technology. Perry (2012) used this study to gather information on students’ opinions on having a science classroom that utilizes computer technology. After having the students use a 3D animation online program, 139 students were asked to respond to the experience. These responses, along with computer background responses and biographical information were compiled. On average, data showed that students used computer for 3.9 hours a day. Along with this 86% of the students surveyed said they wished their teachers would use technology more often.
Student interest and engagement in the classroom
The purpose of Robelen’s (2012) study was to report on and bring to conversation the lack of science instruction in California schools. This report is a follow up report to a study that was done by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and SRI International. Follow up was done by studying the previous research and analyzing the data. The report found that most students in California public schools were not getting a high-quality science education, if any at all. The report suggests that too much emphasis is being placed on improving test scores in math and language arts and so teachers are letting science and social studies slip.
The purpose of Whitehead’s (2010) study was to evaluate and analyze the impact of robotics as a content organizer in teaching mathematics and science in middle school. Whitehead (2010) specifically studied this impact based on students’ beliefs and interested toward these STEM concepts. Pre and post interest surveys were analyzed. These surveys were taken from the ten Pennsylvanian middle schools that participated. This studied lasted 2-6 weeks (depending on the school) with 20 teachers and 107 students participating. Results supported the hypothesis that this would have a positive impact on the students’ beliefs and interests towards STEM but the results were not statistically significant in ALL areas that were tested.
The purpose of Leila’s (2013) study was to collect data on students’ perceptions of having a future career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Pre and post program interest surveys were given. A STEM intervention energy-monitoring program was implemented in the middle schools. Data results showed an increase in interest level in the students in the STEM subjects as a possible future career.
Technology in the Middle School Classroom
In 2000, James evaluated and analyzed the implementation of science, math, and technology in the middle school classroom. Project. This study, supported by the GTECH foundation, was conducted to not only to analyze the project itself but also to see its effect on the schools involved. Over a two year period, local schools were taught the strategies and guidelines set out by the GTECH Project in order to be able to integrate science, math, and technology in their middle school classrooms. Teams of teachers and administrators were required to collaborate on a regular basis, the focus was on the local school objects (not curriculum), teachers created active learning environments that integrated technology, teachers were also asked to use locally developed and locally relevant project based learning units, and teachers were expected to attend workshops and a 2-3 week institute during the summer. The GTECH staff came to the school and classrooms for follow-ups and to check in with teachers and administrators.
The results of the study showed that after a year, many teachers hadn’t truly implemented the program into their classrooms and they were apprehensive on how to do so correctly. Year two showed a large increase in the number of teachers applying the GTECH procedures into their classrooms and integrating technology into their PBL units. As the teachers implemented the strategies into their classroom, their concern level went down. Interestingly, site visits showed that it was usually only the science teacher at each school that was truly implementing the entire GTECH strategy in their classroom.
Based on these findings, the GTECH Foundation advocated that it is very valuable to have teachers and students involved in the creation of curriculum. They also said that the use of multimedia authoring and mind mapping tools were very effective at this grade level. Results showed that this not only empowered the students but also helped the teachers take a more active part in designing the experience.
Tillman (2012) analyzed three articles to create a dissertation that studied digital fabrication as an instructional technology in middle and elementary school. He analyzed three other studies in which digital fabrication was used as an instructional technology and combined this information to create a dissertation on this strategy’s effect in math and science in elementary and middle school classrooms. The first paper analyzed digital fabrication being used at a summer camp. The second analyzed its use in pre-service teachers’ instruction. The third analyzed its use in a series of NASA-themed lessons. The main result from the summer camp model was that some students who scored poorly on a paper test later demonstrated their skills very well during the digital fabrication activities. In the case of teacher preparation, , the results showed that pre-service teachers showed a significant gain in science teaching efficacy beliefs. In the final paper, the Nasa-themed lessons resulted in a significant gain in questions answered correctly from pretest to posttest after the teacher used digital fabrication as an instructional method during the unit.
Popejoy (2007) found similar results in a case study conducted in a 4th and 5th grade classroom that documented the effect of using technology via eight desktop computers in a science classroom. To eliminate the Hawthorne effect, Popejoy integrated herself into the classroom to better be a part of the environment and community. As significant modifications to the curriculum were made, positive change in the classroom environment was observed and students demonstrated openness to sharing their ideas. Learning emerged in a rich, diverse way.
The use of specific technology applications and programs in the classroom.
Pena (2011) investigated the use of podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts in two Texas schools and how this correlated with the students’ scores on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Scores were taken and compared from two Texas schools. One school was using podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts as a regular part of their science curriculum while the other school did not use them at all. These podcasts, screencasts, and vodcasts were being used at the student created level. Analysis of the test score data showed that there was a strong correlation between higher testing scores and the use of the podcasts, vodcasts, and screencasts in the science classroom. This could be because the students were actively engaged in their learning as each podcasts, vodcast, and screencasts was made at the student level, allowing for creativity and autonomy.
Lazaros (2012) implemented a free online source called Science Kids into a classroom to study the change in engagement and science scores in the students. There are many useful and free sources that teachers can use to help engage, excited, and support their students in science. Science Kids is just one of the many sources out there for teachers. Science Kids is specifically designed for elementary and middle school kids and has many different resources on it: lessons, videos, quizzes, virtual experiments, projects, images, and facts. These resources can be used as a unit in themselves or used to supplement a classroom’s science curriculum.
This study was meant to collect data on students’ familiarity and experiences with computer technology. Perry (2012) used this study to gather information on students’ opinions on having a science classroom that utilizes computer technology. After having the students use a 3D animation online program, 139 students were asked to respond to the experience. These responses, along with computer background responses and biographical information were compiled. On average, data showed that students used computer for 3.9 hours a day. Along with this 86% of the students surveyed said they wished their teachers would use technology more often.
Student interest and engagement in the classroom
The purpose of Robelen’s (2012) study was to report on and bring to conversation the lack of science instruction in California schools. This report is a follow up report to a study that was done by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and SRI International. Follow up was done by studying the previous research and analyzing the data. The report found that most students in California public schools were not getting a high-quality science education, if any at all. The report suggests that too much emphasis is being placed on improving test scores in math and language arts and so teachers are letting science and social studies slip.
The purpose of Whitehead’s (2010) study was to evaluate and analyze the impact of robotics as a content organizer in teaching mathematics and science in middle school. Whitehead (2010) specifically studied this impact based on students’ beliefs and interested toward these STEM concepts. Pre and post interest surveys were analyzed. These surveys were taken from the ten Pennsylvanian middle schools that participated. This studied lasted 2-6 weeks (depending on the school) with 20 teachers and 107 students participating. Results supported the hypothesis that this would have a positive impact on the students’ beliefs and interests towards STEM but the results were not statistically significant in ALL areas that were tested.
The purpose of Leila’s (2013) study was to collect data on students’ perceptions of having a future career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Pre and post program interest surveys were given. A STEM intervention energy-monitoring program was implemented in the middle schools. Data results showed an increase in interest level in the students in the STEM subjects as a possible future career.