Next school year I will be teaching in a new district, in a new school, and going back to first grade. What I love about teaching is how every year is different. Whether you are at the same school and same grade, your year will be different because you have a new group of kids. Well because I am moving down to first grade my teaching of writing will look a lot different than in third grade. However, I know that explicit writing instruction is extremely important for students to be 21st century ready. I also know the importance of incorporating technology and not being afraid as the teacher to allow students to use technology to enhance their learning. I plan to continue making writing a priority for my students. I also plan on incorporating technology into their everyday learning. We still do not know what our school year will look like due to Covid-19, but I know that technology will be in great use whether because of distance learning or because I am incorporating it to enhance my students learning. I hope to take the knowledge I have learned from the Innovative Learning Program through Touro and work with my new grade level team to help create students who are innovative and 21st century ready.
Thank you to NapaLearns for supporting me through this process and allowing me the opportunity to further my education through their grant program. This opportunity would not have been possible without their help.