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Introduction to My Process

My inquiry process began with me asking myself, "What digital tool could I use to replace the retelling cards that were part of my ELD (English Language Development) curriculm. Which tool had the best potential to improve student engagement and English proficiency given the resources available?" My choice would depend on a number of variables such as content standards, student familiarity with the tool, access, ease of use, interest level and legitimacy as an academic tool. Also, any tool I chose would need to meet my district's ELD standards. Using Google slides would do this by addressing the collaborative, interpretive and productive requirements put forth by the state of California. Legistically, Google slides was the best tool to use because it is the drive choice of my school district and installed on the chromebooks my students would be using. Furthermore, if tutorials or guidance was needed, I and my students had access to a
district digital technician willing to offer assistance. This
was a huge selling point, as I was about to embark on a technological journey that could be challenging. The data
in Figure 1. represents the writing results from my initial
action research. The pretest had students write a retell
with paper and pencil without creating a Google slide retell.
The posttest represents students creating a Google slides
retell prior to the written retell.
district digital technician willing to offer assistance. This
was a huge selling point, as I was about to embark on a technological journey that could be challenging. The data
in Figure 1. represents the writing results from my initial
action research. The pretest had students write a retell
with paper and pencil without creating a Google slide retell.
The posttest represents students creating a Google slides
retell prior to the written retell.
A Few of the Best Tools I Used