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Standards and Competencies
When designing instruction for lessons in my English Language Development (ELD) class I am mindful of the standards and competencies to be met in order for my students to achieve academically. Common Core Standards are embedded in my district's ELD Pacing Guide and competencies are monitored through written assessments and the newly adopted English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
Furthermore, students are being educated in a digital world that expects them to be digitally literate in order to be productive citizens of the world. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has created five sets of digital standards to guide the use and instruction of 21st century technology. Two of the sets of standards developed are for students and educators. In order to best prepare our students it is vital that technology is not only integrated into our lessons across curriculum, but that there is a standard followed to properly prepare students for their digital future.