Innovating the mathematics classroom with coding and robotics.
Coding and robotics has given math learning a new, different and innovative perspective. First of all, it refreshes student learning with practical uses of math in a meaningful and constructive way. Secondly, coding and robotics are real life skills that students may use and will use on a daily basis since their world evolves in a digital era. Thirdly, learning is not only imperative but a right we have as human beings. Finally, future and current jobs will require and expect applicants to possess an impressive set of digital tools and expertise to stand out in a pool of overqualified and knowledgeable candidates.
The above demonstrates my drive to implementing coding and robotics in math. In my research, my intent was to make sure this implementation would make a difference in students learning and my teaching practices. Thus, in my first round of research, I looked very closely at how students engaged in the subject as I incorporated coding and robotics in with math. The results were satisfactory since students seemed and were engaged with learning these new methodologies. During my second round of research, I focused on attendance to study if students were showing up more to class due to coding and robotics. In class, I experienced that students were very interested and coming to class because we were working with coding and robotics but data showed the opposite by a very small margin. Mainly, the importance is that students are engaged and learning better than in the past.
Learn More Page Contents:
Math and Coding with Robotics Lessons. Instructional Materials.
...Save to a USB drive. ...Intro to Command Shell. ...Use Linkbot Labs. ...Code for 1 Linkbot. ...Code for 2 Linkbots and nonBlocking.
Links to educational tools. Book recommendations. Recommended articles. Inspirational educators.
Exit Ticket - Coding. Videos of Virtual Linkbot Challenge. Student Codes from Final Challenge. Engagement Research Results Analysis. Attendance Research Results Analysis.
Standards Page Contents:
California Common Core State Standards Mathematics Standards for Student Math Practice
21st Century Graphic 21st Century Resources • Framework for 21st Century Learning • Framework for 21st Century Definitions NVUSD 21st Century Skills Site Link
TPACK Graphic TPACK Analysis
Inspiration Page Contents:
Research paper. Literature review. Research paper video presentation. Capstone Poster.
Ideas for this capstone. Initial Analysis. Research prototype. Logo rationale.
Next steps for coding and robotics in math. The Flipped Classroom Model. Touro University California appreciation for growth. NapaLearns appreciation for support. Cohort16 appreciation for memories & camaraderie.