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Curation Tools
(Ways to Save Digital Data)
Shelfari: virtual bookshelves to keep track of what you've read or want to.
Diigo: a social bookmarking site where users can highlight or attach sticky notes to webpages. Great for sharing research on projects and for teaching how to annotate.
Paper.li: you pick the topic and the site searches the web for relevant articles. Then makes a newspaper of the topics.
Evernote: a site that saves all your notes online and syncs it to all devices and shares with anyone.
Presentation Tools
Animoto: is a video creation services that utilizes video, photos and music into video slideshows.
Prezi: is a presentation and storytelling tool for presenting ideas in a mind map format.
Picasa: is technically a photo organizer and editing site. However, it can visually present ideas and connections between them.
Wordle: a site that compiles a list of words in an artistic manner using different color text and font.
Screencast-o-Matic: a video screen capturing tool where users can record actions taken on a computer desktop. Great to explain any processes. Check out my Screencast on how to set up a GoogleDoc.
Gamification in the Classroom
A new concept for me. It basically uses the concepts of a game and applies them to the classroom (level up, win awards, move up to the next level).
A new concept for me. It basically uses the concepts of a game and applies them to the classroom (level up, win awards, move up to the next level).