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Online Writing PlatformsTo learn more about the featured digital writing platforms, click on How-Tos
Encourage your students to write poetry and prose with STORYBIRD. With thousands of works of art to inspire creative writing, your students will be hooked.
Designed for young writers, WRITEREADER is one of the easiest online writing platforms around. Students create vibrant picture books that can be shared with the whole class.
My students loved STORYBOARDTHAT! Young writers simply drag and drop scenes and characters to create detailed graphic novels and comics. Colorful, fun and kid-friendly.
Perfect for fledgling filmmakers! ADOBE SPARK is very versatile for any writing project you envision. Students turn their poetry, stories, research papers and more into sharp, colorful videos. Soundtrack included.
GOOGLE SLIDES helps ease the transition from paper to Google Docs. For some students, Google Docs seems too overwhelming because there is no end to the page. Slides alleviates that stress because kids see a "page" on the screen. Extremely versatile, the possibilities are endless.
ZENWRITER takes writers to a serene place filled with gentle, soothing music. It eliminates headers and ad pop ups, so writers can write without distractions.
Online Writing ToolsWhile NOTHING substitutes great, explicit writing instruction, the following online writing tools help students with the conventions and mechanics of writing, thus giving teachers more instructional time to focus on the content and style.
This assessment and practice digital writing tool helps teachers scaffold lessons according to their students needs. Research-based.
QUILL provided free writing and grammar activities to all grades between Kindergarten and 112th grade.
Grammarly checks for spelling, grammar and plagiarism. A bit pricey, but this valuable tool is worth the cost.
The most kid-friendly online thesaurus on the net. The built-in spell check allows even your worst speller find the right words.
This Chrome extension allows teachers to quickly access students' writing skills and provide instant feedback. WriQ checks spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar.
Sister site to Thesaurus.com, students can easily toggle between DICTIONARY.COM and Thesaurus.com. My students found both sites easy read and navigate.
Aligned with the Common Core Standards, NOREDINK is designed to help students develop their writing skills through high-interest based activities. NOREDINK was developed for students in grades 4th through 12th, however it is especially helpful for upper high school students preparing for the ACT and SAT.
The Top Online Tools and Platforms for Writing |
Highly Recommended ReadsWritten by Google Certified Innovator Alice Keeler and Innovative Learning Moderator Christine Pinto this skinny book holds a ton of great ideas for incorporating Google apps into your elementary grade classroom.
Best. Book. Ever. HyperDocs is the brainchild of three lovely Bay Area innovative educators. I love this book because it allows teachers to create their own technology supported curriculum. Absolutely wonderful for teachers who think outside of the box.
Witty and fast paced, Dr. Robinson tackles a very serous subject in his own charming and respectful style. This book speaks to educators and policy-makers who see the need for educational reform. He provides insight and guidance through the examples of others who have courageously initiated change in their schools.
If you were to ask me who my favorite molecular biologist with special research interests in the isolation and characterization of genes involved in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders...hands down, John Medina! A NY Times Bestseller, this book is bursting with incredibly informative facts about what's going on in your students' heads...and yours.
George Couros eloquently challenges educators to stop being compliant, think outside of the box, and foster a learning environment where curiosity and exploration are encouraged. Like Ken Robinson, Mr. Couros sees that our current educational structure needs transformation into a consistent, innovative system.
Book Review: Creative Schools: The Grassroots