21st Century Learning and Workforce ReadinessIt makes best sense, as a CTE (Career Tech Ed) teacher myself, to look toward the 11 Elements of a High Quality CTE program template for standards and areas of focus regarding workforce readiness. CTE is expressly focused on this area of learning, as well as promoting 21st Century skills. View the entire template by clicking on the image above.
11 ElementsI have only listed the sub categories that apply and left off the ones that are not applicable to blogging.
1. CAREER EXPLORATION AND GUIDANCE Career guidance activities are ongoing and include the dissemination of career opportunity and career path information to students, parents, and counselors. 2. STUDENT SUPPORT AND STUDENT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership activities are embedded. 3. INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS Business/Industry is involved in student learning activities. 4. EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Students are provided practical applications and experiences through actual or simulated work-based learning assignments. Technology is used for distance learning and/or other career related opportunities 5. SYSTEM RESPONSIVENESS TO CHANGING ECONOMIC DEMANDS Curriculum is relevant to both current and future workforce needs. 6. CTE PROMOTION, OUTREACH, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION Yes No What is Being Assessed Examples of Evidence Comments 7. HIGH-QUALITY CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION There is collaboration between academic and CTE teachers. Technology is incorporated into program instruction. 8. SYSTEM ALIGNMENT AND COHERENCE 9. SKILLED FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 10. EVALUATION, ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Student academic achievement in Math and ELA is analyzed and used to improve student achievement. A comprehensive assessment system is used to measure student competence in the application of CTE and academic knowledge and skills required in the program area. 11. CTE PROMOTION, OUTREACH, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION |