Historically, students who speak a language other than English are less successful in school in the US versus their native English-speaking peers (Olsen, 2010). There is a continuous increase in the number of students of English Learner status in the US, specifically in California. In the year 2000, there were 8.1% English Learners in US Schools, and in 2017, that number went up to 10.1%. As of 2017, 19.2% of English Language Learners in California. (The National Center for Education Statistics).
Teachers are continually searching for strategies that will assist them to teach students to increase not only their English skills but their content knowledge as well. Oral language fluency is an important part of language fluency development that English Language Learners (ELLs) need to stay and succeed in school, (Echevarria, et. al. 2013). These students are no longer just being served by a select few teachers in a pull-out setting but are being mainstreamed into classrooms. Homeroom teachers are to serve these students in designated and integrated English development. A short time frame within a school day to learn English is no longer sufficient to teach English Language Learners (ELLs), they need integrated English instruction throughout the day and in all content areas in addition to English Language Development (ELD). I |
As I am not an artist nor do I claim to be super creative, I wanted my logo to be simple and to reflect the nature of the topic as well as the times that we are living in. It was important to me that something reflect that my goal was academic language and not just talking. Students need to learn the academic language to be successful in school, that is why I chose the book as the centerpiece and it is in color. Of course, having sutdent talking to each other was a no brainer as that is the goal. We were in the middle of the Coronavirus Pandemic and school and the research was conducted completely via computer over Zoom. I also changed the color of my logo to three different colors based on the background it was on so it could color coordinate and be more versitile.