professional slideshow videos. Available for free. To remove their logo on videos and for access to more resources, a monthly or annual fee is required. animated videos (up to 5 minutes a video) with pre-made backgrounds and background songs/sounds. Available for purchase upgrade. Upload videos, enhance them with digital effects, audio, and editing tools to make an original video such as a documentary or fictional narrative. There is a limited free trial period. A monthly or annual fee is required to continue using the program. Create and share web stories, social graphics, and animated videos using this program. Create in minutes and share instantly.
PRESENTATION TOOLS Web based tool to create presentations. It's a more artistic way of presenting a presentation instead of the common PowerPoint.
DIGITAL TEACHING TOOLS Take existing videos from the Internet or upload your own and then enhance the videos by adding audio (voiceovers) and embedding questions to make the video interactive for the student. Record yourself or students, save it and upload it to a video or classroom social media.
FAVORITE EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES Professional videos and topics related to educational interest. A great resource to learn more about a particular educational interest. "Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives".
John Hattie:Author that highlights the best teaching strategies used for student academic growth. All information are based on meta-analysis, which is data collected from numerous, often thousands of studies.
Sir Ken Robinson: Educator, famous for Ted Talk presentations, who outlines how education is being suppressed and offers solutions by highlighting educators who are innovating rather than embracing change.
Howard Zinn: Deceased Teacher/Author who helped me understand the importance of bias based on experience and looking through the lens of the people and not celebrities.
Rafe Esquith: Primary Teacher, author who helped inspire me to be an innovative teacher
Fifteen books every educator should read
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