Ready to use printable unit (Grades 3-5) I used this Brainiology unit to introduce the idea of the brain as a muscle that can either get stronger or weaker with use.
Time Saving Mass Printing from a Google Drive Folder This is a great time saving tip to be able to print an entire folder of student graphs. Click the video link below to watch a screencast of step by step directions.
Research Papers
Denton, C. A. (2012). Response to Intervention for Reading Difficulties in the Primary Grades: Some Answers and Lingering Questions [Abstract]. Journal of Learning Disabilities, May(June), 232-243. Retrieved from
Gersten, R. M., What Works Clearinghouse (Institute of Education Sciences), & National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (U.S.). (2009). Assisting students struggling with reading: Response to intervention and multi-tier intervention in the primary grades. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences
READ 180 Research and Validation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2017, from
Recommended Reading
Click on the image above to watch and listen to a book review that Jenny Knox and I created using Haiku Deck as a presentation tool. We used Screencastomatic to record.
2 thumbs way up!! This book was truly a game changer for me, not only with my research design, but as a veteran teacher I changed some of my practices the very next day. It is the largest evidence based research project in education that clearly shows what are and are not best practices. There were more than a few eye-openers in there...It would be a wonderful book to use as a shared professional reading with the entire staff. For a quicker look, download the chapter summary below! For those really in a time crunch click here .
This is a very easy read and describes how to create powerful visual design that help students learn.
Student Presentation Tools
Popplet is one of my favorite digital mind mapping tools. Very simple and intuitive for kids to use with very little direction. It is a great image to project final work for an oral presentation instead of kids reading boring notes! There is also an iPad app that I haven't explored yet.
Are you and your students bored with the same old Google Slides templates? This site has tons of great free visually appealing templates! Click on the image above to check them out.