Before students are introduced to technology in the classroom, it is necessary to teach students Digital Citizenship. If we do not teach them the importance of online safety and etiquette, then we are opening doors to unwanted behavior from students when they are online. There are 9 elements of Digital Citizenship, see chart below. Common Sense Media is an informative site where students and families can learn about technolgy and media safety.
Click Common Sense Media to find a scope and sequence of K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum. You can select by grade bands or by units. There is a wealth of lessons to support the safe use of technology.
Click Digital Citizenship to learn more about the 9 elements of Digital Citizenship. You will find detailed infomation so that you can start teaching students the importance of what a safe, responsible and respectful citizens do when they use techology.
Click on this link for a lesson I created on Digital Citizenship. |