21st Century Learning and Workforce Readiness"Today we live in a technology and media-suffused environment with: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2) rapid changes in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively utilize information, media, and technology." |
The quote above from P21's "Framework for 21st Century Learning" says it all. In today's society, old-school teaching methodologies and techniques should to be a thing of the past! When students graduate high school, they must be prepared to navigate on their own in the work force or in higher education. As educators, we not only need to teach our students content, but we must also be ensure they have the important 21st century skills they need to be successful and productive citizens.
One thing common in schools today is that teachers find themselves reverting back to "traditional" teaching methods that were used when they were in school. Or, they are afraid to try new things as it is foreign to them and/or they don't have a good hang on technology. Unfortunately, some of the teaching outdated techniques do not work for today's generation of students, and those to come. One thing to aid teachers in aligning their curriculum to these critical 21st Century learning skills are the Four C's. The Four C's are: 1. Critical Thinking 2. Communication 3. Collaboration 4. Creativity By incorporating these skills into our schools, students will not only have content specific knowledge, but they will also be proficient in workplace skills. |
21st Century Learning Skills
Watch this video from AITSL to see how the world's workforce has changed, what countries around the world are doing to make changes in education and the importance of making learning personal and accessible to each learner.