The iKinder Community
We are working miracles with a wonderful partnership between public, non-profit and private entitities! It takes a village with a vision...
iKindergarten Home Resources Standards Inspiration About the Author
Literature Review History/Rationale Community
Literature Review History/Rationale Community
Digital Early Literacy
The Digital Early Literacy Project began as a partnership between NapaLearns, a non-profit organization committed to closing the achievement gap, Calistoga Family Center, a family resource center, and Calistoga Joint Unified School District and private donors. The partners share in NapaLearn's mission to "re-imagine learning for all children in Napa Valley... to promote implementation of education innovation and promote student-centered 21st century learning so our students can compete in a fast paced technology enhanced world." (NapaLearns mission statement, 2010). NapaLearns continues to work with all school districts in Napa County to support school reform. They are committed to supporting innnovative use of technology in education, project-based learning and teacher training in partnership with each school district and their community.
The program continues in Calistoga. Kindergarten iPads are being shared with 1st grade and new implementation is beginning at other grade levels based on teacher involvement and resources.
Calistoga Family Center played an important role in coordinating the first Virtual Summer Bridges pre-K summer program for disadvantaged children who had never attended preschool, during the summer of 2011. They also coordinated an intensive parent education component to the program where parents learned how to use iPads, how to develop their own English language skills and how to support their child's education.
Parents and Calistoga Community members are key players in supporting our students by sharing their time as mentors, classroom volunteers and by participating in school committees.
Our students enjoy the opportunity to share their learning with our community. Last year we created posters to help teach local pre-school children about Kindergarten.
The program continues in Calistoga. Kindergarten iPads are being shared with 1st grade and new implementation is beginning at other grade levels based on teacher involvement and resources.
Calistoga Family Center played an important role in coordinating the first Virtual Summer Bridges pre-K summer program for disadvantaged children who had never attended preschool, during the summer of 2011. They also coordinated an intensive parent education component to the program where parents learned how to use iPads, how to develop their own English language skills and how to support their child's education.
Parents and Calistoga Community members are key players in supporting our students by sharing their time as mentors, classroom volunteers and by participating in school committees.
Our students enjoy the opportunity to share their learning with our community. Last year we created posters to help teach local pre-school children about Kindergarten.