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Design ProcessSITE Model― Needs of My LearnersAs we got further into the Innovative Learning program, it was clear that before curriculum design we needed to understand our students' needs and the contexts from where they come from. The Sociocultural, Informational, Technical and Educational
Model or SITE Model is a teaching and learning model that can help teachers put the learner's background and experiences into perspective. The model focuses on the connection between the student and the sociocultural, informational, technical and educational subcontexts in order create effective lessons based on the student's experiences. Below you will find an example of a SITE Model map of my learners' needs and contexts at my site. Project Analysis–Background & NeedsAt the site where the study is being conducted, and according to the Academic Performance Index report from 2013, 59% of the student population qualify for free/reduced lunch. The site is a title 1 school. Student demographics, 65% Latino and 29% White. Parent education, 34% did not graduate from high school and 22% are high school graduates. Student information: 18% are English learners, 14% are GATE students, and 32% are reclassified as English proficient.
Fortunately, two years ago, the school site received a Federal grant to transform the school into a magnet school. Currently, it is in the process of becoming an International Baccalaureate World School. It is a program that promotes an international education designed to develop intellectual, personal, emotional, social and technological skills to prepare students for the twenty-first century. The IB Program is beneficial to the school because it supports the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. However, there are some issues that must take into account in order for the IB program and TPACK to be successful and properly implemented. First, the school is requiring students to bring their own device (BYOD). The school must keep in mind that 59% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Therefore, the school needs a systematic approach of providing a device to all students that may not afford one. In addition, the school has to have network accessibility to support BYOD, and prepare for students who do not have access at home. Finally, as the school becomes a “world school”, it must not forget that their students have individual needs, and need to continue to use pedagogical strategies that will support not only English Learners, but also the Gifted Learners. Prototype DrawingBefore we began putting content into our site, we had to plan and design a prototype in how our site would look like and what we wanted to share with the community. There were changes, such as the name and location of the pages, but the new design has what wanted to share and more.
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