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Exciting Language Learning Through TechnologyThe purpose of this investigation was to discover the best practices integrating technology in second language acquisition that reflected 21st Century learning. Furthermore, technology can have many positive effects on learning if adequately planned and implemented. The inverted instruction/flipped model can serve as a learning tool that allows the learner to have access to content at their convenience which could also support low achieving students to go at their own paste and repeat if needed. Plus, provide more time for language application in the classroom. In addition to technology enhancing learning, the importance of collaboration as a skill is monumental not only to 21st century learning, but preparing students for the future. The tools, strategies, and educational models supported the fundamental question to this research, how can technology enhance the language learning experience?
What you can find here...As stated in my research, I wanted to enhance the language learning experience by engaging students with tasks that were authentic and meaningful, apply newly learned knowledge to develop language and communicative competence for all learners, and instill 21st century skills. What you will find here in the "Learn More" are examples of lesson plans, videos in how to use web tools to support language learning, references used to conduct the study, and assessment tools, data collected from research, and rubrics to support educators to begin their integration of technology in their classroom.