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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
It could be easy enough for a teacher to say, "I use technology in my classroom." But to what degree? Is it teacher centered, student centered, both? What the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) offers is a very simple set of standards for addressing these questions. The Common Core and other state standards might be the accountability for content and skills based curriculum, but where is the accountability for technology?
Student StandardsISTE offers six essential standards for students using technology in the classroom.
Below are student standards addressed for technology which can be utilized in project-based learning
Below are the teacher standards addressed for technology which can be utilized in project-based learning.
Teacher StandardsISTE offers five essential standards for teachers using and teaching technology in the classroom.
Digital v. Non-Digital SchoolsIssues that schools face regarding digital usage, and the misconceptions that they unfortunately produce, create reluctant technology integration. Provided here is a survey to help determine what level of technology integration you or your school site is at.