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What does TPACK Mean to Me
TPACK has altered, for the better, my teaching approach and philosophy. Before considering technology as an intricate part of a framework for teaching, I always had an approach that considered my content knowledge and pedagogical stances. Technology was simply a tool and not something to be considered as a knowledge piece for teaching. TPACK brings all three together. I understand my content and how to share that knowledge with students appropriately, I understand pedagogy and what practices work best for student growth, but now my understanding of technology adds another dimension to it. Technology in its various forms is knowledge transmitted to students but also used by them to access content knowledge and skills.
How does TPACK intersect with a PBL Environment?TPACK is an essential framework for teachers and students developing PBL environments. If an effective PBL environment is to be interdisciplinary, it requires participating teachers to have pedagogical connections between various content and project goals. Technology knowledge and integration must also work from classroom to classroom and requires teachers to be working together. Listed here are several articles and videos connecting PBL with TPACK.
ACOT and Technology IntegrationApple's Classroom of Tomorrow (ACOT) shares a lot of it's philosophy with that of the TPACK framework. ACOT also gives educators a way of assessing the level of technology integration from entry level to transformation level in a given school or classroom. Linked here are several articles and videos showing the ACOT approach to technology integration, as well as a matrix for technology integration. Linked below is a blog I created assessing a particular project and its level of technology integration