CAN 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY HELP STRUGGLING READERS?Every year teachers have students who struggle with comprehension and give up in class because it is just too hard. Engagement plays a huge part in the student's ability to learn. As teachers, we need to embrace technology and use it to our benefit. Struggling students can be more engaged, therefore learning more. Can technology can help close the achievement gap in reading comprehension?
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Digital CitizenshipIf you are using technology in your classroom than you should teach your students about digital citizenship. Watch this short video to learn more. Also, checkout their website for great lesson plans and parent materials. |
BackgroundTechnology is now being used to administer end of the year state assessments. This means that districts and teachers are pushing to integrate technology into their teaching. With increasing access to technology, there are new ways to improve reading comprehension beyond the use of traditional direct instruction. Students need to make more than a year’s growth in reading comprehension in order to catch up and close the achievement gap. The purpose of this study was to see if technology could be used to help students comprehend grade level text, especially students who struggle with reading.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows