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Reflections on the Project
My action research project first set out to integrate technology with AVID strategies. After going through the innovative learning program, reading about TPACK, and learning from many innovative educators my educational paradigm has become broader. AVID strategies merged with technology applications are just the tip of the iceberg. The outcome of my research has found that all content classes including all age levels would benefit using the TPACK model. 21st Century learning has begun and it is our job to continue moving this innovation forward.
Lasting Learnings from the Program
I have wavered for many years about entering a master's program. Usually it boiled down to the cost and time of a program. I knew that I still needed to be present in my father and husband roles as well. I took a leap of faith entering a program that I knew little about. The ideas that called to me were the words "innovative learning." I have always wanted to look at learning from a non-traditional viewpoint. This program allowed me test my 21st century classroom theory out in real time. It also gave me time to reflect and think about the type of working environment I want to pursue in the future.