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Personal Profile

k[email protected]
I am a mom, teacher coach, assistant principal, and a continuous learner trying to improve my practice and share my knowledge and skills with others. I have just finished co-leading the implementation of a federal magnet school grant for a MAST (Math, Art, Science, Technology) school. We were on the forefront in our district with implementing Project Based Learning, the 4C’s, technology, and inquiry based teaching, among other initiatives. I have had multiple opportunities to visit schools across the country and in our own district to see best teaching practices incorporating 21st century teaching and learning. Through my experience with the magnet school transformation and the amazing school visits, I realized that all students in all schools should have access to the high quality teaching strategies and experiences that I have been a part of. My goal is to use technology to share these practices so that we can begin to equip all students with the skills they need to navigate their future successfully, whatever that may be.
I am a mom, teacher coach, assistant principal, and a continuous learner trying to improve my practice and share my knowledge and skills with others. I have just finished co-leading the implementation of a federal magnet school grant for a MAST (Math, Art, Science, Technology) school. We were on the forefront in our district with implementing Project Based Learning, the 4C’s, technology, and inquiry based teaching, among other initiatives. I have had multiple opportunities to visit schools across the country and in our own district to see best teaching practices incorporating 21st century teaching and learning. Through my experience with the magnet school transformation and the amazing school visits, I realized that all students in all schools should have access to the high quality teaching strategies and experiences that I have been a part of. My goal is to use technology to share these practices so that we can begin to equip all students with the skills they need to navigate their future successfully, whatever that may be.