“It seems to me that we [Americans] are thinking about children, teachers, and schools the same way we think about sports teams. In every league, there are winners and losers… What if we thought of schools as if they were akin to families? Then we would work to develop school cultures that are collaborative and supportive. We would make sure that those with the greatest needs got the resources they need. We would stop thinking of winners and losers (and ‘racing to the top’) and think instead about the full development of each human’s potential.”
Diane Ravitch
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Bringing Engagement and Achievement to the Elementary Math Classroom
I have always struggled with the best way to get students to learn. I taught in isolation for many years until our district required all schools to form Professional Learning Communities (PLC's). This was my first experience with learning from others outside of my credential program. But the sharing was limited to the people in the room. We did not often share best practices across grade levels or across schools. And we certainly did not have the opportunity to share globally. With the advancement of technology, we now have a global PLC at our fingertips for any subject imaginable! Teachers are now able to go online and watch videos of other teachers teaching and observe students learning at any time of the day! There is so much information out there that, at times, it is difficult to wade through all of the information to find those quality resources. My goal is to do the research for you and share some of the best resources out there for math and student engagement.