Rubrics and other measures for Assessing Reading Skills...
Making goals was my second step in my Action Research. It proved to improve scores dramatically in three months. See chart below.
The Core Phonics Survey was what I used to track progress in students and know what to target for my mini lessons in small groups.
Growth Mindset in Students
This is a post test after working all year on 3rd graders growth mindset skills. At the beginning of the year, the four highest readers in the class all said that they were not good readers and all of the BR (Beginning Readers) said that they were good readers. Their reasoning was because they felt like they knew how to sound out words or they didn't.
Reading Survey
These were the results of the reading survey from the end of the year. At the beginning 80% said that they "get distracted when they read" and after Mindfulness lessons only 24% claimed they get distracted.
Reading Inventory Goals
Third Grade Students that Goal Set Gain Higher Comprehension Scores than those that don't. Goal Setter averaged more than 30 points more than non-goal setters.
As a Reading Intervention teacher I taught a program called System 44. It stands for the forty-four sounds of the English language. I taught students in small groups at one station, students read silently or with a partner at another station and then the students worked on this System 44 software at the third and final station. There are assessments among the program. It focuses on phonetic awareness and spelling patterns.
Four times a year my students would take a Reading Inventory assessment to gather growth data when it comes to comprehension. My students made goals to improve their scores every three months and a long term goal by the end of the year. After collecting the data it showed that goal setting worked with big gains.
Hispanic vs. Anglo Reading Gains
Even with the same instruction, Anglo students out-performed Hispanic students when working intensively on the same goals and academic concepts. Second language and home school values may prove to be a factor.
Teaching Science by Video and Computer Games Results
Results from all 4th grade students taught solely from video or computer games (With no teacher instruction). Students today have very visual minds and think in a very different way than even decades ago.
Teaching Science via Videos and Computer Games Only
Google Form for 4th Grade Pre/Post Test for Science (Video vs Computer Games Teaching)