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What inspired this project?In March of 2020, our world turned upside down. Towns shut down, schools closed and we all had to learn how to live in a different way. Teachers had to learn how to teach online. Students had to learn by attending school online. Online usage is a reality for many young students. My research has proven that students use many different platforms, like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, You Tube, and all sorts of social online games. With all of this being said, I realized that there is not enough education for how one is to positively and safely interact and behave online. There has been a lot of research done in the isolated fields of digital citizenship, social-emotional learning (SEL), and technology in the classroom. However, at the time of this research all three of these elements have not been combined into one program for online learners.
With the support of lessons, I taught digital citizenships lessons that include social-emotional learning about using technology online. The lessons were included as an extension of my school’s current Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) practices. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of blending digital citizenship lessons with PBIS to support elementary students’ online learning. For more information, please visit my blogs.