Rubrics and Other Measures for Assessing Student GrowthMany schools use the Reading Inventory a few times a year to assess student Lexile growth. I suggest using Reading Inventory monthly and have students set goals and track their scores using a self-created Google Sheets.
Often students are our biggest resources. That being said, giving students the power to share their opinions, thoughts and input with their teachers gives them a sense of respect and control. I suggest giving students a short survey at the end of each quarter or trimester. This information will give teachers insight as to what is working in class, what is not and what can be adjusted or modified.
Everyone wants to know that their opinion matters. I began the process of having personal meetings with my students and their parents (once at beginning and once at the end of the year). The meetings don't focus on grades, they focus on expectations, past experiences, hopes, successes and missteps. These meetings build a sense of trust and open communication between parents, students and their teacher. |