Support and Next StepsI am very proud of the Master's work that I have done over the past year, one of the main reasons is because of the value system that Touro University has in place. The Touro value that stands out to me at this particular time is the "promotion of interprofessionalism". To me this means the sharing of ideas, knowledge, thoughts with not only your cohort but with your work peers. My goal is to make a positive impact in the lives of all students, with a specific focus on advanced learners. In order for this to happen there needs to be promotion and marketing of my advanced learner resource (A.L.I.V.E!). I plan on posting the ALIVE resource on twitter, Facebook and my own personal website. I believe, with some marketing on my end, I can promote this resource so folks beyond the North Bay can take advantage. I also plan on reaching out to my principal regarding my ALIVE! strategies in hopes of passing along the knowledge to my peers as professional development. I believe my resource is valuable especially due to budget cuts that may limit the hiring of GATE teachers. Overall, my Touro University experience has been tremendous and I hope to make a positive educational impact in the future.
Thank you NapaLearns! This incredible Master's opportunity would not have been possible without your support. I truly appreciate you giving me the opportunity to learn and grow and an educator.