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21st Century Learning and Workforce Readiness
Both the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards are moving towards producing art standards that support 21st century instruction. These standards will provide us with concrete examples of ways the arts an be integrated with core curriculum subjects.
The National Core Arts Standards matrix integrates the process, skills and knowledge, assessments, and criteria in to a single structure that spans Pre-K - 12 and is aligned to the philosophical foundations, lifelong goals, artistic processes, creative processes, anchor and performance standards.
The 21st Century Skills Map for the Arts was created by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. It shows the integration between 21st century skills and the arts. Skills include:
The National Core Arts Standards is a conceptual framework for arts learning. It is currently being developed with an emphasis on the process-oriented nature of the arts and arts learning that guide the continuous and systematic operations of instructional improvement by: