Exit Tickets, Tests, Quizzes, and Surveys for Coding and Robotics
This folder contains some of the exit tickets I used in my class.
This folder contains a few of the tests I used in my class.
This folder contains some of the surveys I used to gather my research results for this Capstone.
The Coding Connection Research Data
These two graphs are my students MI scores for the year separated by period. Period 2 was taught with block periods which I feel worked so much better for coding and robotics than 5th period which was after lunch and only 55 minutes. Another twist to gathering data at Valley Oak is that students can finish and leave your class or also every 6 weeks we get new students. So there are some consistency issues that other schools don't experience. These test score do show improvement for many students which is quite significant since many don't take standardized test seriously it took some grow mindset work.
Valley Oak High School Math 1 Student Data 29 students responses
I compared my students responses to the responses of students at American Canyon High school which is a large comprehensive high school that also teaches C-Stem coding and robotics. Many of the ACHS students also took Coding and robotics in Middle School.
In this graph, 1 represents disagree and 5 represents strongly agree that they had an increased understanding of math with coding and robotics.
This question supports the soft skill I believe students learn while coding which are problem solving, perseverance, collaboration, and also some basic coding literacy.
This is really the question I wonder about, what is it about coding that increases math understanding and engagement? The immediate feedback was very important to both groups. This information should also validate the importance of feedback for all subjects. I also appreciated seeing that the students like seeing the math in real world math problems.
Teacher Responses
These 2 questions were asked to all the teachers who teach the C-Stem curriculum to their high school or middle school students. ^0 % of the surveyed teacher believe they see higher engagement with the C- Stem Curriculum.
Valley Oak High School Student Responses
Click the link to read student responses to questions
American Canyon High School Student Responses
Click the link to read student responses to questions
New Tech Freshman Summer College Readiness Academy Data
Summer College Readiness Academy incoming freshman data on engagement.
Summer College Readiness Academy data on increased understanding of math 1 disagree to 5 strongly agree.
Summer College Readiness Academy Data on what is it about coding that increases engagement and understanding.
Summer College readiness Academy students data on skills gained.
American High School, American canyon Middle School, and VOHS Math 2 Students Data 188 student responses
As you can see for the first question the results show the students believe it increased engagement. The VOHS students had a higher engagement outcome then ACHS . I gave this survey to both schools at the end of May after a full year in the class for many.
Clearly my Valley Oak students felt they had an increased understanding of coding and robotics at a higher rate than ACHS students. All of my students were repeating Math 1 coding and robotics for the second or third time. The ACHS students were taking Math 1 & 2 for the first times.
I find these results to be interesting since they are very similar in proportion to each other.
The desire to persevere to get the code to run is so real and motivating I even find myself sitting and trying different things to get the code to run if there is a problem with the code. Debugging code is excellent problem solving skills developer.
Teacher Responses
The question about higher passing rates received mixed reviews I am pretty sure I answered most of that 20% because I do have higher passing rates I had a passing rate of 87% for my final grading period this school year.