The students entering my math class at Valley Oak have all failed 2 to 4 semesters of Math 1 before they walk through my door. These students want to learn, they want to experience success in math, they deserve a second chance. Over the years of teaching these students I have felt that I needed to create change, teach them math in a new, more innovative way that may reach these struggling students. The thought of teaching them math the same way over and over felt demeaning. They deserve a new approach. That is what drew me to Professor Cheng and the C-Stem Curriculum which allowed students at access the Math 1 curriculum while learning coding and robotics.
Student Testimony
Dante sharing his experience in math classes.
Brandon sharing his experience in math classes.
Lupita sharing her feelings about math and coding and robotics. Below is a video of Lupita's dance video she coded, she was the first student to figure out how to get a large group of linkbots to move together.
Picture of 2019 VOHS robotics team with Dr. Barbara Nemko ( NCOE Superintendent), Maria Cisneros ( Principal VOHS), Rafa Garcia ( math teacher VOHS) .
My Inspiration
My inspiration is my students every single day ! These young people overcome challenging situations just to come to school some days. I work very hard to find new and innovative experiences that will grow their world while motivating them to succeed. The above picture are the 2 robotics teams that competed in UC Davis this spring. Many of these students have never been on a college campus before. These same students and 15 more also had the opportunity to tour Trinchero Family Estates in Lodi. This was an amazing opportunity for our students to see a completely automated large scale winery operation. They saw science and coding in action. It was a great trip. All of our students want to learn they have just lost their way on the journey and they need us, teachers, to help them find their ways back. Sometimes our students guide us as teachers to new and innovative places to learn and develop ourselves professionally. It was that desire that pushed me to earn my Masters, to develop new and innovative skills that would enhance my students learning in my class.