The Coding Connection Lovie Home Learn More Standards Inspiration About the Author |
Standards are what students need to know.
There are important subject specific standards, 21st century skills standards, and technology standards. Please explore the icons on the margin of this page to learn more.
What Students Need to Know The research for this Capstone occurred in a Math 1 class that followed the Common Core State Standards as well as the 8 Mathematical Standards. The mathematical practice standards align very nicely with how students learn to code. While coding students must focus on persevering while problem solving, construct viable arguments, model with mathematics, and especially pay close attention to detail. The overlapping of these standards of practice supports struggling math students to succeed. The code will not run unless students have payed close attention to detail and often when doing math students make simple mistakes not paying attention to detail so this is very a very valuable skill. When coding you are also forced to go back and make corrections/debug the code to get it to run correctly which helps to support the need to make corrections on all assignments until it is demonstrating correct results. I believe the correlation between the 8 Mathematical Practice Standards and the nature of coding has supported struggling math students to succeed.
The C- Stem Coding and robotics Curriculum is an A-G Approved course please click this link to see course approval.